Mr Bates V The Post Office. The transformational power of a story of injustice. Well told.
Featuring Patrick Spencer, Former Producer, ITV / Natasha Bondy, Exec Producer, Mr Bates V The Post Office / Seema Misra, Former Sub PostMaster
This recording is part of the Changemakers: Impact series, where revolutionary ideas and stories converge to ignite your creativity and unlock your true potential. Over six weeks and across six countries, we bring together bold thinkers and boundary-pushers to explore the power of impact.
What to Expect:
- Insights into how storytelling can expose injustice and drive social change.
- Behind-the-scenes revelations from the creators of Mr Bates V The Post Office.
- The personal account of Seema Misra, one of the victims, and the impact on her life.
- A deep dive into how a well-told story can influence public opinion, legal systems, and even governments.
Join us to learn how the right story, told in the right way, can reshape lives, laws, and institutions.
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