
Inspired Us: sharp objects and Sorry to Bother You

July 2018: by Canopy Insight

Canopy Insight list what's inspired them this month, from 12-foot noodles to new film Sorry to Bother You.

Lunar Eclipse (event)

It was cloudy in most of the UK on the night of July 27th during the total lunar eclipse. But the knowledge that people throughout Europe, Asia, Australia and South America were all pointing their faces (and cameras) at the same moon made us feel part of something huge.

See: National Geographic's Best Photos of the Lunar Eclipse.

Murger Hanhan London’s 12-foot noodles (food)

In May this year a Tasy.com video titled ‘The Art Of Making Noodles By Hand’ made the rounds, inspiring amazement, hunger, and eventually a trip to London’s Murger HanHan (http://www.murgerhan.com) restaurant to try chef Michael Lee’s famous 12-foot hand pulled noodles.

Watching Lee knead, pull, slap, twist, and stretch dough to make his trademark noodles is an entertaining prelude to actually eating them. The noodles themselves don’t disappoint; they’re firm but not chewy. The fact they’re almost impossible to eat without slapping yourself on the chin is part of the fun.

Watch: The Art of Making Noodles by Hand.

Sharp Objects (TV)

As soon as the first episode aired in early July, HBO’s Sharp Objects had us hooked. With its moody, dark and dreamy, uneasy atmosphere, the show has the feel of a Donna Tartt novel come to life (think The Little Friend, though the teenage girls in Sharp Objects are as mean and insular as the University-aged students of The Secret History).

The fact that Sharp Objects is directed by Jean-Marc Vallée, with cinematography by fellow Big Little Lies alum Yves Belanger, means the show was never going to be anything short of visually stunning. But what we love most of all is the Led Zeppelin-heavy punctuation of the show’s stellar soundtrack. With the final set to air on August 26th (August 27th in the UK), we can’t wait for the answers to Wind Gap, Missouri’s gruesome mysteries to be unveiled.

Read: The Key to the Sharp Objects Mystery Is in the Music

Sorry to Bother You (film)

Sorry to Bother You is a weird and wonderful blend of satire, sci-fi, and surrealism. It asks its viewers to suspend their disbelief while managing to remain tethered in a bizarrely relatable, contemporary alternate reality.

Tessa Thompson makes anything she’s in easy to watch, and Armie Hammer plays corporate villain with unsettling ease.

Watch: 'Sorry to Bother You' Red Band trailer


This piece was by cultural insight and innovation consultancy, Canopy Insight. Follow them @canopyinsight


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