Discover your bravest self

Ahead of our London Bravest Conference, Tamara Littleton shares some inspiration...

It takes bravery to be a brilliant leader in these uncertain times. Society has never been more polarised, our opinions have never been more outspoken, and we expect brands to take a strong stand on some of the biggest issues in society. 

How do we create genuine human connections in this fractured society? How can organisations create a real sense of purpose that drives them forward and helps the world change for the better? 

Sometimes that means taking a risk. Not doing what you’ve always done, but jumping in and trying something new to bridge the gaps between people. It certainly means listening to each other, creating meaningful connections and conversations, having the strength to stand up for what you believe in, and embedding real values deep into your company culture. 

For me, it also means being true to myself as a leader and keeping my personal values close. It also means supporting my teams, and allowing them to be true to themselves. More and more, people want to work for (and with) a company whose values mesh with their own. 

But there will be times when that’s really hard to do - when you have to walk away from business that doesn’t fit your values, or do something that really tests your boundaries between doing what’s easy, versus doing what’s right. And sometimes it will lead to conflict, with people who don’t agree with you. 

So as leaders, we have to find the things that bind us together, to overcome the things that divide us. Both within our own organisations and in the wider community, with our clients, partners and networks. 

For the inspiration to do that, we need spaces where we can share and learn from the stories of other people who have different backgrounds, industries, and life experiences from our own. 

Where better to do that than at the Bravest conference, where we’ll hear from business leaders, academics, educators, influencers, activists, sportspeople and more - all of whom have been brave, and lived to tell the tale?

In an upside-down world, the Bravest conference couldn’t be better timed. 

By Tamara Littleton, CEO and Founder of The Social Element

The London Bravest Conference is on 6 November at the Science Museum. Information and tickets can be found here


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