Tiza Mafira

Associate Director at CPI Indonesia office

Tiza Mafira is a law and public policy expert specializing in environmental law, waste management, and climate change policy. She holds a Master of Laws from Harvard Law School and a Bachelor of Laws from Universitas Indonesia.
Since 2013, she is co-founder and Executive Director of the Indonesia Plastic Bag Diet Movement (Gerakan Indonesia Diet Kantong Plastik), which pushes for less use of plastic bags in Indonesia through regulation and awareness. In 2018, she received mention as a UN Ocean Hero by United Nations Environment, for her work in succesfully advocating for plastic bag bans in a number of cities across Indonesia. In 2019, the organization received the Mental Revolution award from the Government of Indonesia. She is one of the activists featured in the global documentary released in 2019, The Story of Plastic.
She also leads Climate Policy Initiative Indonesia, a non-profit think tank and advisory organization focused on public policy related to land use and energy transitions. Prior to this she worked for six years as a corporate attorney in Jakarta-based lawfirm, Makarim & Taira S., where she specialized in natural resources and forestry law. She has also worked at McKinsey & Co., the Boston-based environmental group CERES, and the Office of the Special Staff of the President for International Affairs during President Yudhoyono’s first term.

Tiza Mafira, S.H., LL.M., adalah seorang alumni Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia (angkatan 2002) dan Harvard Law School (2010). Kini bekerja sebagai ahli hukum dan kebijakan lingkungan, dengan spesialisasi di bidang perubahan iklim dan pengelolaan sampah.
Sejak 2013, Tiza turut mendirikan dan menjadi Direktur Eksekutif Gerakan Indonesia Diet Kantong Plastik (GIDKP), sebuah organisasi nirlaba yang mengadvokasi adanya pengurangan sampah plastik melalui kesadaran masyarakat dan perubahan kebijakan. Pada tahun 2018, Tiza diberi penghargaan sebagai UN Ocean Hero oleh United Nations Environment, atas kegigihannya dan kesuksesannya mendorong pelarangan kantong plastik di berbagai kota di Indonesia. Tahun 2019, GIDKP menerima penghargaan Anugerah Revolusi Mental dari Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Ia salah satu aktivis yang diliput dalam film dokumenter skala global, The Story of Plastic (2019).
Sehari-harinya, Tiza juga memimpin sebuah lembaga riset (think tank) nirlaba, Climate Policy Initiative Indonesia. Think tank ini bekerja memberikan analisa dan rekomendasi kebijakan perubahan ikllim melalui penggunaan lahan dan percepatan energi terbarukan yang efisien. Sebelumnya, Tiza pernah bekerja selama 6 tahun di Makarim & Taira S, pernah bekerja di Boston, di McKinsey & Co, dan juga pernah bekerja untuk Kantor Staf Khusus Presiden pada periode pertama Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

The Story of Plastic documentary takes a sweeping look at the man-made crisis of plastic pollution and the worldwide effect

On Wednesday 17 June we are hosting a conversation about the plastic pollution crisis—and the movement working to end it.