Source Pixabay Credit  Glen Kelp

Growth Mindset - 'The Power of Yet'

A growth mindset continues to be one of the key components and factors in marketers achieving both personal and professional growth.

So, what is a growth mindset?
A growth mindset is the belief that the skills, behaviours and knowledge we possess can always evolve and be developed. By focusing on learning these skills and persevering until you acquire them, you can achieve your goals. Through hard work and determination, your situation can change and improve.

In contrast, those with a fixed mindset believe that we only have the skills, behaviour and knowledge we are naturally good at or born with, and that these remain static and unchangeable. They may also lack the drive or determination to evolve.

However, a growth mindset is more than just a belief—it’s a way of being. Those who adopt this mindset not only acknowledge that skills can develop, but they also demonstrate proactive and intentional behaviours with their actions and learning. They make time to develop and evolve, accepting that failure is part of the learning journey. Embracing the power of "yet" is key; for example, reframing by saying, "I don’t have the industry knowledge, yet."

Why is a growth mindset essential for marketers?
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