
A journey across the Pacific Ocean

Natalia Cohen was one of a team of six women who rowed unsupported 9,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean setting two world records. Here, she reflects on what her journey taught her about teamwork and motivation

We can choose how we feel about every situation in life 

It’s such a simple concept to decide how to feel – but out on the ocean where fear, frustration, doubt and deeply negative thoughts could have had devastating consequences, that ability to choose how we felt became an essential tool for our survival. It’s exactly the same on land. Always look for positives – find a highlight every day.

The foundation to any successful team is trust and respect 

There is an unbelievable strength that comes from the diversity within a team. Understand your team’s strengths and use them. Embrace those differences. Allow everyone to feel appreciated and provide an environment that creates a cohesive team that support one another and are all aligned with their values and vision.  

Make sure your team is always rowing in...

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