2015 highly commended: SCA, Global Marketing - case study

2015 highly commended: SCA, Global

SCA managed to influence decision making via peoples’ hearts rather than their heads. 

In order to unite a global organisation SCA had to encourage local SCA Femcare brand managers to adopt a single global creative platform they created Live Fearless, an idea that inspired their brave, instinctive side. SCA then found emotionally led ways to bring it to life that the tricky decision to adopt, easy. 

SCA achieved the following objectives:

• Encouraging all of Europe, Malaysia and Australia to run Live Fearless campaigns by 2015 – 16 markets in total.

• Ensuring the remaining critical business regions are in the process of adopting Live Fearless

• SCA met the aggressive sales growth targets put in place for the new global positioning to achieve whilst simultaneously reducing the time and cost of implementing this positioning.

Total time and costs saved by implementing the new global positioning: 9,840 hours €4,530,000 

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