Interview with Robin Albin, Founding Board Member of The Marketing Society New York

Interview with Robin Albin

Ahead of our New York launch, we talk to Founding Board Member Robin Albin, Conceptual Innovator, Brand Sherpa & Creative Catalyst.

What’s your golden rule? 

I have several non-negotiables:  Always be honest even when it’s hard; deliver your most creative work no matter what and never ever be an asshole – that means no office politics!!!

Who has been your biggest influence? 

Barack Obama – no question.

What is your most hated business expression? 

'This is how we’ve always done it.'

How can marketers be braver? 

Step out of your comfort zone. Do things that scare you. Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions. People may hate you for the disruption it can cause but you’ll discover more compelling and inspiring answers to real problems. Avoid the herd mentality - if your competitors are all moving in one direction find your own route.  And above all - start some fires.  

What’s the biggest risk you’ve taken in your career? 

Quitting my job as VP Creative Director at an advertising agency and having no idea what was next.  It set the stage for me starting my own branding and innovation agency that included many wonderful clients and amazing projects - such as being a founding member of the Origins Brand.  

Which leader do you admire most and why?

Barack Obama – I admire his focus, courage, commitment and compassion and above all - his ability to stay true to his beliefs and values no matter how rough things got and what was thrown at him. 

What’s your favourite word? 

F**k – there is simply no substitute on many occasions

Tell us a secret

If I tell it to you – it’s won’t be a secret anymore!!!!

Read more interviews in our Clubhouse. 

Follow Robin Albin @wordsmitty



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