Interview with Jennifer Stanley

Jennifer Stanley Interview

This week we meet Appetite Creative's managing director.

What’s your golden rule?


How can marketers be braver?

Always challenge the norms - be excited to be the first.

What is your most hated business expression?

“We here at…”

What's the biggest risk you've taken in your career?

Starting Appetite Creative, in a new country, no outside investment and at the third attempt of a business.

Which leader do you most admire and why?

Sonia Sotomayor - white males from wealthy families were the only ones who could hope to ascend to the Supreme Court. She grew up poor in the Bronx and was raised by her widowed mother.

Based on her early life alone, no one would ever predict that she’d eventually become a Supreme Court justice.

The cherry on the cake is, she’s the first Hispanic to earn a place on the court, so she’s demolished that barrier too. 

What’s your favourite word?

I can’t write that here...

Tell us a secret

I know all the words to all to all of the George Michael songs!

We’re looking to profile all members so please email Orianna to get involved.


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