Mohammed Ismaeel Hameedaldin

Partner, TOUGHLOVE Advisors

Mohammed has 30 years of experience across global Top 100 ranked multi-nationals. Following a strong grounding in Finance, Mohammed became a dedicated marketer, developing his skills in strategy, research, planning, partnerships, product, brand and digital.

He’s a strong believer in marketing led business that drives value to the bottom line, bringing this philosophy to extensive senior tenures at Citibank, Procter & Gamble, HSBC and Visa. He was the executive sponsor for the Mental Health and Wellness plus Women’s Leadership Networks at Visa, both areas he still passionately champions.

Scholarship Session #4 Career Stories
This year our theme is IMPACT: the very essence of what being a marketer is all about. Join us for
A key date in your diary. The Marketing Society Conference is our biggest and most exciting event of the year.