Image provided by nawaf

Member interviw with Nawaf Rajeh

We are delighted to bring you a Member Interview with Nawaf Rajeh, Development & Innovation Marketing Senior Director at Diriyah Company


What’s your golden rule?

Always search for truth


Who has been your biggest influence?

Not much of a "who", but a "what". The "what" is a quote by Margaret Meade that says "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."


What is your most hated business expression?

Let's align.


What’s the smartest business idea you’ve ever had?

A product to reduce the time in sourcing automotive workshop quotations from hours to under 5 minutes.


Which leader do you admire most and why?

Not so much "a leader" but leadership style that emphasizes empathy and understanding.


What keeps you up at night as a marketing leader?

How do we stay ahead of the curve of social behavior?


Why is being part of The Marketing Society important for your career?

To exchange ideas with like-minded individuals, and challenge the status quo


Why does marketing matter to you?

It is an avenue to bring the voice of the consumer to the forefront.


Tell us something that’s not on your CV

I believe people are the greatest investment.


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Published on 24 January 2025


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