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Board Member Interview with Aly Tawfik

We are delighted to bring to you an interview from our new UAE board member, Aly Tawfik


What’s your golden rule?

Use time as your ally. Be quick but also patient. Marketing is about the long game.


Who has been your biggest influence?

My parents. My mom as a librarian made me fall in love with books. And I devour them in constant search for more knowledge and insight. My dad as an engineer helped me structure my thinking and my problem-solving skills.


What is your most hated business expression?

“Take it to the next level”. There is really nothing wrong with it in the sense that it speaks to uplifting and doing better or more. But it’s incredibly overused in very vague ways. It’s like this metaphysical space where all next level players meet. J


What’s the smartest business idea you’ve ever had?

Waking up early. J My best ideas come after a good night’s sleep, and when the world is still quiet.


Which leader do you admire most and why?

Can’t single out one person. Different leaders have different qualities and have moved things in different ways. Who leave me in awe are the likes of Ghandi, Mandela, and Rosa Parks. Many of whom had never asked to become leaders. 


What’s your favourite word?


The world can be explained (to some degree), but it’s so much fun when things just happen.


Tell us a secret.

Up until I was twenty, I wholeheartedly aspired to become a professional Classical Guitarist. I even hold a Performers Certificate from the Trinity College of Music in London.


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