Giles Lury
Senior Director, The Value Engineers
Giles Lury is a VW Beetle-driving, Lego watch-wearing, Disney-loving, Chelsea-supporting father of five who also happens to be a director of brand consultancy at The Value Engineers.
He has worked in advertising, market research, packaging design, corporate identity and, most extensively, in brand consultancy. His specialist subjects are brand positioning and innovation.
He has published three previous books of brand stories with LID Publishing, The Prisoner and the Penguin … and 75 other modern marketing stories (2014), How Coca-Cola Took Over the World … and 100 more amazing stories about the world’s greatest brands (2017) and Inspiring Innovation: 75 marketing tales to help you find the next big thing (2019).
He is still amazed and slightly ashamed how few of these featured women he’d heard of previously and hopes this book goes some way to redressing that (unconscious) bias.