
Why are you selling when you could be serving?

'We are here for you' is not a strategy. Engaging prospects and customers through content and community is, writes Marketing and Digital Strategy Advisor Perry Hewitt

The human tragedy and uncertainty of COVID-19 have caused unprecedented economic impact and pose an immediate challenge for marketers. Marketing playbooks have been set aside, campaigns tossed, in-person events cancelled, and product launches delayed. No one wants to be blindly pushing products and services to anxious consumers and businesses right now. Smart marketers recognize this time as an opportunity to serve rather than sell.

What does service look like in this new context?

The fear and isolation caused by social distancing have spurred renewed desire for connection and community. Marketers can serve prospects and customers alike by:

Acknowledging the crisis clearly and succinctly
in outbound communications. This isn’t the time for generic “we’re here for you” messaging. Which initiatives is your organization launching during this crisis? What are the challenges you and your industry are observing and responding to?

Finding out the issues that are top of mind for...

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