Christopher Smith runs Singapore-based RockPaperScissors, which he thinks of as a “Zero to Hero” consultancy.
“I love to work on problems that are ambiguous. Taking a hint of an idea working it until I can find something big, meaningful, and sometimes even surprising. The ideas tend to travel, never staying in the place that it started, moving through iterations that often end up quite a ways away from where they began. I can do this because of the years I have spent working on problems, asking questions, listening to answers, and experiencing life.”
With over 30 years in the creative, strategy and storytelling industry, this experience became critical when faced with what is his greatest challenge thus far. He reached the age of 60, working in an industry that has yet to figure out what to do with its highly experienced, yet under-valued generation.
“The opposite of old is not young. The opposite of old is new, and I think that is the key in considering how ‘people of my age’, and the industry that we have chosen, need to think about human capital, age-based representation, and how to capitalise on the hard-earned experiences of those dancing on the edge of what might be considered an “Expiry Date.”
Join Christopher as he takes us through his own journey of extending his professional longevity, how the industry might reconsider the value of older workers, and look at how the industry portrays what he calls the “Epilogue Economy”, those who are ignoring the rules and writing their own new stories.
Gain valuable insights into reimagining career longevity, challenging age-based stereotypes in the workplace, and discovering innovative ways to leverage decades of experience in rapidly evolving industries.