TFL Awards entry

2022 TMS Awards Winner, TFL

How TfL went from the poster child of COVID spreading to the heart of London’s recovery

As the first lockdown kicked in, the prospect for TfL was, frankly, bleak.

Not only was our revenue hit with unprecedented severity, but our services became the poster child for COVID spreading: it sometimes felt you couldn’t find an article about the pandemic that didn’t feature the obligatory shot of commuters in a Tube carriage.

But our rise has proved as dramatic as our fall. From an overnight transformation in how and what we communicated to get us through the early days of lockdown, to a powerful “carrot and stick” combination of celebrating PT and driving through a ground-breaking new road charging scheme, we have navigated our way through the toughest period in the organisation’s history.

As a result, we have seen our brand reputation emerge stronger than ever, increased behavioural propensity to use PT, and reduced the number of polluting vehicles on London’s roads.

But our story isn’t just about revenue. A flourishing PT system is vital to London being a cleaner, greener, less congested city, more equal, and with access...

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