Birds Eye

2021 TMS Awards winner, Birds Eye

Partnering with Iceland & hunting for Captain Charlotte

In 2020 Birds Eye set out to educate consumers on the benefits of buying frozen foods to drive purchase, becoming more relevant with the resurgence and 30% uplift in the frozen food sector since the onset of the pandemic.

With more shoppers being drawn to the category, it was clear that it was setting a pathway to long term consumer shopping behaviour changes.

The company’s objective was to raise awareness of food security and to emphasise the significant impact that using frozen food can have on reducing food waste (which has a significant environmental impact, taking a huge amount of water, land). Its aim was to educate consumers on their shopping behaviour and what action they could take to reduce their environmental footprint through its campaign to harness the power of frozen in a new way.

Birds Eye and retailer, Iceland, collaborated on a qualitative research study into consumer shopping

behaviour. It helped to highlight that for every 1 spent at the till, 15 was money down the drain due to food wastage and nationally, over...

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