Despite significant gains due to their recommitment to helpfulness, in 2018 Tesco were still trailing behind both their target and competitors when it came to trust.
Whilst connecting with communities was a key driver of trust; the definition of a community was broadening. It was no longer just about the area you resided, but instead uniting around a religion, a value or shared circumstance.
Clearly if Tesco wanted to meet the mission of serving all of Britain’s shoppers they had to make a commitment to connect with, represent and give a platform to this truly diverse range of communities.
Tesco showed their commitment to these communities through products, services and communications. As a result, reputation scores amongst these specific communities have increased, and continue to rise; but there’s also been a halo effect on the wider population; with a 6 point shift in reputation scores since 2018.
Whilst there’s still a long way to go both as a brand and as a nation, this paper doesn’t tell of posturing as a progressive brand; but...
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