This paper is the story of how we successfully retired Winston Wolfe, Direct Line’s highly successful creative platform, which had rescued our business from jeopardy, driving 5 consecutive years of growth, after 5 years of decline, in favour of a new long-term platform ‘We’re On It’.
The story of how we understood the limitations of Winston Wolfe in addressing future challenges and driving future growth, and how we went about removing these limitations, whilst retaining everything that was working well, in order to unleash the full potential of our brand.
A story where we shifted our focus from product to brand, looked to unmistakably land our superiority against our competitors, making a promise universally resonant across the category, no matter the product, the audience or need. No one solves your problems like Direct Line.
The story of a simple, bold and confident creative platform. Direct Line is so much better at solving problems that it even puts the world’s greatest problem-solvers out of business. Superheroes.
A story that we wouldn’t be telling here if it...
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