3 years ago, Libresse/Bodyform was the first brand to show period blood in advertising. It was a historical first, a breakthrough moment of bravery. A big red splash in a sanitised category.
But we had unfinished business. Although we’d tackled the taboo of blood itself, we knew there was still so much to explore when it came to the deep well of emotion that swirls around our bodies.
Our previous campaigns had triumphed through simple, powerful storytelling. But now we wanted to tell a story full of complexities and contradictions, of what it means to have a womb. Nothing simple there.
We’d have to rip up the rule book once again.
#wombstories is a lesson in resisting simplification. In bravely embracing complexity and facing into the messy reality of womanhood. Designed to make you proud of your body, whilst breaking your heart at the same time.
And in the process, we revolutionised our research technique.
When you want to dig deeper than ever before, you have to use empathy as your spade. By reimagining the...
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