
2020 Brave Awards winner, Stroke Association

A stroke of insight

In 2019, The Stroke Association set out to get onto the charity map with an awareness campaign, Rebuilding Lives. Overshadowed by emotive and well-funded causes such as cancer, stroke felt invisible and irrelevant, so the plight of survivors lacked a place in the public concern.

But the reality is very different – one stroke occurs every 5 minutes in the UK and its impact can be devastating; two thirds leave hospital with a lifechanging disability. For the public, the story stops here, but for survivors, it’s just the start of a long, arduous, lonely reality. That’s where our support services come in. To shine a light on this story, we had to find a compelling consumer insight which could communicate stroke’s brutal reality and challenge the fatalism around stroke – offering hope for recovery and highlighting the need for support.
Another brand might have turned to a short-term tactical campaign. Instead, we held our nerve and found the pivotal insight which fuelled an idea to earn attention and turn the vernacular around. We...

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