1 in 4 of us will depend on donated blood in order to stay alive. The UK needs 200,000 new blood donors each year. And yet millions of pints cannot be collected due to an outdated, discriminatory law.
Sexually active gay and bi men are banned from donating blood, even if their blood is perfectly safe to use.
So we used the scale of our platform to raise awareness of this little known piece of discrimination, and pressurise the government to change the law.
We worked with FreedomToDonate to create a visceral, awareness driving campaign that used real human blood.
We opened The Illegal Blood Bank: the world’s first blood bank for gay and bisexual men.
This is brave in both idea and execution. Getting a mainstream audience to care about a complex and controversial issue is boundary-pushing in itself, but by collecting and using blood from members of the public in every element of our execution, we created a campaign that was, quite literally, at the bleeding edge of marketing.
We pioneered a new...
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