
2020 Brave Awards winner, Chelsea Football Club

With over 100 million fans across social channels but with a stadium capacity of 42,000 our objective was simple - to create a 5th Stand for our global fans to get closer to the action and show their passion and support for Chelsea Football Club.

This represented no small undertaking - our fan base is not only global but spans a broad range of age groups and demographics and a broad spectrum of levels of fandom - from life-long season ticket holders to more casual followers.
In addition to enriching fans’ matchday experience, our aim was to engage with fans outside of matchday and to encourage a deeper level of engagement that would be less reliant on success on the pitch. To achieve this, we identified 3 key areas of focus - enhanced matchday and non-matchday features, an app-first publishing model and an acquisition strategy optimised at market level. Launched in June 2018, our target for the 5th Stand was to reach 1 million downloads and 500,000 returning monthly active users (RMAU) before...

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