
2020 Brave Awards commended, Bodyform

'Viva la vulva' When the world was dancing around the issue, we made it sing

Truly brave work doesn’t just reflect culture, it changes it.

For centuries, vulvas have been censored, objectified, sexualised or erased altogether in the name of ‘decency’. Decades of patronising and purifying marketing has entrenched many of these dangerous taboos. The result? Over half of women are embarrassed by their genitals and a growing number dream of having ‘the perfect vagina’.
As a new entrant into the intimate care category, Libresse had to make a meaningful first impression, whilst also driving market share and sales. How do you make women care for something they currently dislike, or even ignore?
Whilst everyone else was dancing around the issue, we made it sing. Viva La Vulva dynamited the myth of the perfect vulva and showed how beauty is born from diversity, not homogeneity. We used joy as a weapon of rebellion, created a new visual language for the female form and planted these beautiful, badass vulvas all across culture.
The campaign showed how a little bit of creative madness can help bring sanity to...

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