
2019 Brave Awards commended, Toyota AYGO

Digital Marketing sponsored by Accenture

Toyota AYGO: Telling More Personal Campaign Stories On The Fly

This paper is about how hyper-personalisation and a creative use of media formats improved cut-through, resonance and overall performance of the launch communications for the new Toyota AYGO. The challenge was to grow annual sales of AYGO in a declining segment. This was only a “Minor Change” launch, offering
relatively little new news to work with. There was limited headroom for growth among AYGO’s heartland audience, and we were being dramatically outspent by several competitors. It was going to be tough to squeeze growth out of a car facing all these pressures.

It was therefore necessary to target a more diverse set of audiences. We needed an insight and idea that had the scope to appeal to them all, but that we could also flex in different ways to tell more personally relevant stories.

The&Partnership encouraged our client Toyota to take some calculated risks. We blended established planning skills with brave new world techniques to design and deliver a highly nuanced system of creative assets...

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