Brianna Burt

Business Development Manager, LS Productions

With over five years at LS Productions - the ever-growing, global film production company with its headquarters in Leith - Brianna has worked across sales and marketing for the company. She began with a focus on digital marketing and has landed on the relationship building side of the business, which spans both the advertising and entertainment industries. Originally from Seattle, Brianna’s pathway into the world of film production included a continent move following a degree in communications and marketing in the Silicon Valley and years working in donor relations for an international human rights organisation in Manhattan. An avid writer, Brianna has written pieces from academia to B2B marketing campaigns to issue advocacy, including a piece in HuffPost on the Women’s Marches of 2017. Brianna holds a MSc from the London School of Economics and Political Science and is a member of this year’s Future Leaders Advisory Group for the Marketing Society. She lives in Edinburgh, Scotland.  

We caught up with Brianna ahead of her captaining the Agencies team at the Clients vs Agencies Creative Challenge
Join us in Edinburgh for the Amplify Marketing Festival where we'll explore - is funny old fashioned?