
Rob Poynton: beyond control

A complex world demands the ability to improvise

Do you have a mind like water? Water is flexible. When it meets an obstacle, it goes around it. Improv teaches us to be flexible. To think of everything as a gift, as an opportunity. — After studying at Oxford, Rob worked in a number of London best and most colourfully named advertising agencies before leaving to travel the world. He ended up in Spain, from where he never quite made it home. A serendipitous meeting (in Portland, Oregon) gave him a way to make work into play (and play into work). The result was On Your Feet, which uses ideas and methods derived from improv theatre to help people work together better. Rob is an Associate Fellow of Oxford University’s Saïd Business School where he contributes, using improvisation, to a number of executive leadership programmes.

Rob is speaking at our 2019 London Bravest Conference on 6 November at the Science Museum.