Victoria Fox


Victoria joined AAR as CEO in April 2019, following a successful 20-year career spanning agencies specialising in customer experience, advertising, shopper marketing and data driven marketing. Victoria also held board positions at three Campaign Agencies of the Year (DDB, LIDA and Partners Andrews Aldridge).

Since arriving at the UK’s leading intermediary, Victoria has steered AAR through a transformation journey including a rebrand, repositioning and significant diversification of its service offering, moving AAR from a pitch consultancy to a management consultancy specialising in optimising marketing operations models, consulting through the lens of people, processes, partners and performance. Her drive and determination, along with her commitment to uphold the values of fairness and integrity on which AAR has built its reputation, continue to strengthen the company’s position as trusted partner to CMOs and Agencies alike.

A proud ambassador for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, having held the role of global sponsor for Diversity and Inclusion across the M&C Saatchi network, Victoria is an active and long-standing member of WACL’s Executive Committee (Women in Advertising and Communications London) and has previously chaired the WACL Future Leaders Award. Victoria was also honoured to have been named a Global Champion of Women in Business by the Financial Times two years in row. Most recently she has taken an advisory role on the steering board for The Women’s Association, who exist to reveal and remove barriers that prevent women and girls from having the freedom to dream or the tools to create.

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