Usha Kim
Head of the department of Orbit, Oculoplasty, Ocular Oncology and Ocular Prosthesis Services
An ophthalmologist by profession, Dr Usha Kim is a specialist in diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and research in the management of orbital disorders, congenital anomalies of the eye, ocular trauma and ocular cancers.
She is a Professor at the Aravind Post-graduate Institute of Ophthalmology. Dr Usha has trained 113 ophthalmologists from across the world through long-term and short-term fellowship programmes. In addition, she also offers training in Ocularist techniques and 83 candidates from across the globe have benefitted from it.
Dr Usha is involved in genetic research pertaining to Retinoblastoma, an eye cancer that predominantly affects children under 7 years.
Dr Usha set up the Ring of Hope programme at Aravind Eye Hospitals through which 7000 patients have been treated free of cost for eye cancers.
Dr Usha is extremely engaged in the recruitment and training of MLOPs who are one of the reasons for the success of Aravind ‘s unique operational model.
Dr Usha oversees the growing network of Aravind ‘S 104 primary eye care centres that play a vital role in making eye care accessible to the rural and suburban communities.
Dr Usha has 61 publications to her credit and has also contributed to several books She is currently a reviewer of the Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. She is a proud recipient of many academic/vocational excellence awards and recognitions by various forums.
Dr Usha Kim told the story of Aravind Eye Care System and how they are tackling eye health in India