Why not consider some wild cards at #AWEurope?

Wild cards at #AWEurope

One of the great aspects about Advertising Week Europe is that there is an opportunity for industry pros to focus on their fields of expertise or otherwise craft a week that is in line with the specific part of the industry they are part of. There is depth in the programme for the week, but there is also some fantastic width that one may not want to ignore.

I recall a conversation with a younger industry professional that underscores the point.

“I went to a programmatic session in New York — knew nothing about it, but figured ‘why not?’ Next thing I know, about a week after Advertising Week ended, I was in a meeting where the boss asked about programmatic because he had ‘heard about it’ somewhere. I was able to recount what I had learned. It made a difference that I went to that panel in New York because it legitimately helped out our team.” From attending that discussion, continued research built an entirely new understanding and skill set that positively impacted this individual’s business.

This is likely one of the more acute cases — but I often hear how panels, keynotes and workshops can be a true catalyst of change. It also shows that stepping outside of zones and comfort levels can add an entirely new layer of context that could make a real, tangible difference.

These are the “wild cards.”

To wit, how often does one think about Dutch Digital Design? Likely not too often, unless one works in the industry in Holland. But, what if you learned something that gave you an interesting edge or perspective? What if it unlocked something special and transformative? I’m a tiny bit partial to this example as I am helping moderate this workshop at #AWEurope but, even if I weren’t, it would likely be on my “wild card” list.

As leaders, I completely understand that the ability to steer too far from the centre line, especially in scheduling such a jam-packed week, is challenging. This is where your team comes into play. As you scope out your week, why not consider some of these “wild card” sessions/workshops for your people — and help them plan their week?

Ask them to take copious notes.

Tell them to really soak in the spirit of what’s being said/taught/evangelised and think about how it can positively impact your companies and business.

Why not ask them what they think is interesting to them? It might turn out to be interesting to you and profitable for you.

As H. Jackson Brown, Jr. once said, “see any detour as an opportunity to experience new things.”

Make the detour count.

And see where that “wild card” opportunity takes you.

We're hosting a number of Marketing Society sessions at this year's Advertising Week Europe, including a headline one with Alastair Campbell to open the week. To find out more head to our Events Gallery.


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