Use your marketing talent to inspire London’s future bosses

Inspire London’s future bosses

This month we are proud to feature a new charity called London Village Network (LVN). LVN is a grassroots organisation that was established to inspire brilliance amongst young people in London.

Their moto is “it takes a village to raise a child” and they work to level the playing field by creating events to help bridge the gap between working professionals and young people from deprived areas.

LVN engages all types of professionals in donating their time rather than their money in support of the young people in London who need it most.

Rachael Box, co-founder of LVN said, “At LVN we love to debate. After each event we hold debates about topics that affect young people and the rest of society. As a society we should come together and instead of blaming the youth – help them! We need people from all professions to engage with young people”.

“We are a new charity and we are working to get our message out there. Local press have covered us and we are featured in the current edition of BIG ISSUE, in the rant section under the heading Don't keep your skills to yourself.”

LVN’s next event is called BE YOUR OWN BOSS. It will act as a platform aimed at breaking down barriers and stereotypes to help build young people’s confidence and self-esteem. LVN hopes this event will be a catalyst for change where young people from deprived backgrounds can build connections and network with adults they would not ordinarily meet.

Mentor young people interested in the marketing profession:

If you only have a few hours to contribute, but would like to make a difference in a young person’s life the BE YOUR OWN BOSS event is a perfect opportunity to get involved.

BE YOUR OWN BOSS is a three week program over the summer holidays in Stonebridge, Stockwell and Holloway. Each Wednesday over the three weeks will be media and marketing days. All media and marketing professionals are invited to join in to brainstorm ideas with young people who have their business ideas and to give advice and insights into their professions.

LVN is looking for professionals to give three hours of their time to talk through marketing plans, brain storm brand identities and generally share information about the media and marketing industries.

The BE YOUR OWN BOSS media and marketing days are: Wednesday July 22nd,  August 5th, and August 19th.

If you are interesting in learning more about LVN or would like to express your interest in participating in BE YOUR OWN BOSS please email Anna Mullenneaux, Chief Match Maker at Pimp My Cause at [email protected].



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