Shell uses ground-breaking tech in experiential installation

Shell experiential in Brazil
I’m a sucker for new technology. Whether it’s the latest iPhone model or ground-breaking technology that amplifies customer experiences - I want to know about it. That’s why this week, when I spotted Shell’s partnership with floor technology specialist, Pavegen, it caught my attention immediately. 
Even after the World Cup (remember that?), there are still areas of Rio de Janeiro that have not benefitted from the influx of tourism and private enterprise development. Recognising this, Shell, together with Pavegen, organised a project in the Morro da Mineira favela which would not only allow the community to hone their football skills, but would also encourage both an entrepreneurial and energy-saving culture in the community.
The two companies installed a first-of-its-kind people-powered football pitch in the heart of the favela; the pitch consists of 200 high-tech, underground tiles that capture kinetic energy created by the movement of the players. The energy is then stored and combined with the power generated by solar panels next to the pitch to convert into renewable electricity for new floodlights. This state-of-the-art technology granted everyone in the favela, and especially young people, a safe and secure community space at night. 

The experiential installation comes as part of Shell’s #makethefuture programme, which aims to inspire young people to consider science and engineering as a career choice. The oil giant is particularly keen to encourage young Brazilians to use their minds to develop energy solutions for the future of the planet, and combining The Beautiful Game with energy-saving technology was a highly effective way to reach out to them. 
Shell also got the one and only Pelé on board, who opened the pitch, saying: 'Football is Brazil’s biggest passion and the sport has gone through so much technological innovation since the last time I played. This new pitch shows the extraordinary things possible when science and sport come together.'
I love the use of ground-breaking tech to educate and make a difference in young people’s lives. In fact, here at BEcause, we’ve even used the amazing Pavegen tech in one of our own experiential marketing activations – and with another prominent energy supplier, no less. Back in the summer we worked with British Gas to create an educational dance-themed event in London, where participants could generate their own energy through dance, which would then be used to power a camera to photograph them.

Joss Davidge is managing partner of BEcause, an award winning brand experience agency which has been helping brands become more tried, tested and talked about for over 20 years.
Read more from Joss in our Clubhouse.



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