The season of giving

The season of giving
To celebrate this season of generosity, Creative Culture has gathered a collection of ads from around the world that are giving back to their customers and communities in an authentic and relevant way. It’s easy to donate to charity, but the creative challenge lies in how marketers can link their giving strategy to their core brand messaging in a genuine and honest manner. 
Canada tops the list, with two holiday campaigns from two separate airlines, both taking on everyday issues. The first was developed by Air Canada, and is sure to resonate with all business travellers and expats around the world. The real-life video takes viewers to The Maple Leaf, a London pub that offers Canadian patrons a piece of home with their pints. After a number of customers are filmed, explaining why they couldn’t make it home for the approaching holiday, two pilots arrive and announce that everyone in the pub would be receiving a special gift – a gift of home.

The above ad comes just after one released by another Canadian airliner, Westjet, who turned its focus on an island that most people only think of when they’re planning their next holiday getaway. The brand travelled to the small town of Nuevo Renacer, Dominican Republic, where its inhabitants lack the essential resources that we all-too-often take for granted – such as a washing machine and a basic mode of transport. Along with life-enhancing gifts for each family, Father Christmas (branded with the Westjet colour scheme) presented practical solutions for the community such as a safe playground and 23 new homes. The brand was introduced to Nuevo Renacer through their on-going work with the non-profit organization, Live Different. After sending over 200 Westjetters to the island over the years, it became clear that the community values aligned perfectly with their own. The ad was considered part of a Christmas saga, following their wildly successful live Christmas ad last year, generating almost 40 million views across 200 countries.

In Spain, the Christmas lottery, or Lotería de Navidad is second longest continuously running lottery in the world. The country is unique in that business establishments such as restaurants and bars can be assigned a lottery number – if that number is drawn, everyone who purchases a ticket there will reap the winnings. Year after year, Spain nationals are on the lookout for the annual TV campaign, which rarely fails to generate a viral buzz leading up to its drawing on 22 December. This year’s ad follows the story of a town resident, who did not get around to purchasing a ticket from his local spot, Bar Antonio. After hearing of their win, the man, plagued with regret, hesitantly makes his way to the bar to congratulate his friends. A suspiciously high-priced bill for his coffee marks the turning point, taking the ad from a story of misfortune, to a spirit of heartfelt sharing and generosity – one that typifies the social culture in Spain.

In order to identify the most powerful channel to deliver a holiday campaign, successful marketers have focused on understanding what makes their target market tick. Starbucks raises the perfect example, as it is currently running a unique and interactive giving campaign, via mobile devices. APAC is a fascinatingly diverse landscape, when it comes to mobile and digital trends, and with a mobile penetration rate of 228% in 2014, it is undeniable that Hong Kong is primed to embrace an effective mobile campaign. For the holidays, the global coffee brand created a mobile platform, allowing users to build a gift for their loved one, which includes a venti drink! 

While a gifted cup of coffee or a new playground is sure to spread happiness, there are many other effective ways to spread holiday cheer in less tangible ways. The largest German supermarket chain, Edeka, ran with this idea and made it a goal to give the gift of entertainment. Setting up 13 hidden cameras throughout a one of their stores, the ad captures holiday shoppers enjoying an impromptu musical performance by 9 cashiers.

Every year, countless brands will attempt to capitalize on the holiday season and its traditions. One factor that will separate the viral successes from the hopeless exploits is a focus not on the gift itself, but more so on how that gift relates to the brands purpose for existence, and its ability to connect with the target market. It really is the thought (insight) that counts.

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