A relaxing brand experience from KitKat

KitKat's relaxing experience
The latest experiential activation from Nestle’s popular chocolate brand KitKat managed exactly that, by giving stressed out commuters a well-deserved moment of relaxation.

Well known for its famous tagline, ‘Have a break, have a KitKat,’ the company wanted to bring this phrase to life in memorable fashion. It chose to deliver the world’s first massaging billboard for this purpose.

Introduced in Colombia, the billboard was aimed at those most in need of a break: busy bus commuters in the country’s capital Bogotá, weary from their daily travels. The chaotic Latin American city was specifically targeted for its busy streets, traffic jams and overcrowded public transport: the perfect combination for a bit of light-hearted stress relief.

Over twenty bus shelters throughout the city were kitted out with specially-designed advertisements. Each billboard was motorised to provide mini back massages to anyone that leaned against them. And of course, many of the delighted reactions were captured on camera.

Some commuters stumbled across the billboards by chance – others were actively encouraged to seek them out. The billboards were promoted by the brand via both Google Maps and social media activity. This ensured that the enticing opportunity for a massage was offered up to the widest audience possible.

The social activity delivered to support this activation and boost its success was particularly clever. By monitoring Twitter for key buzzwords such as “stressed” or “tired”, users were sent the location of the billboard nearest to them for their chance to take part in the fun.

The quick, comforting massages provided to stressed-out travellers by KitKat show how experiential marketing can be used to leave a lasting impression and build brand love. Much like Café Pele’s yawning billboard and Pictionary’s interactive challenge, inventive billboards can serve as a great way of making that all important first connection.

Joss Davidge is Director of the Unexpected at BEcause, the award-winning live brand experience agency, dedicated to enhancing Brand Love. Sign up to Joss’ next complimentary brand experience masterclass to learn about the most effective experiential marketing strategies.



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