One + One = Three

One + One = Three

When I received this book (thanks Marketing Society!) I opened it at a random page and started reading - just for a few minutes to get a feel for it.  

I read a story about how the British Army created the Sten gun in response to the need to replace weapons left on the beaches of Dunkirk.  Then a story about how Bill Shankly motivated an exhausted Liverpool team to beat Chelsea in the FA Cup.  And lastly a story about how a young woman raped on campus at Columbia University got the authorities to take her seriously.  

Each story was short, sharp, tightly written, entertaining and enlightening. I was hooked!   

That initial dip into this book proved to be a good indicator of the whole book. It’s billed as a masterclass in creative thinking. It’s also a masterclass in story-telling.  It’s a collection of lots and lots of stories.  Each of them about 3 pages long and each with a one-liner “lesson” to be learned.  Great if you’ve got a short attention span.

I love this book and I’ve recommended it to loads of colleagues and friends.  I recommend it to you too.      


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