More than words can say

More than words can say

Have you ever stopped to marvel at how much communication – and therefore how much persuasion – is non-verbal? Yet in business we are pathetically dependant on the written word.

The cast list of other influencers – beyond words – is huge. Let’s start with two major stimuli in the business world – numbers and visual aids (diagrams, charts etc). We can look at it both ways. Either the figures and the visual aids are amplifying the words in a document or presentation, or the words are captioning the other elements.

There’s language and there are languages. There is linguistics and there are linguistic skills, not least choosing the most effective form of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) for any given situation. There is also writing or saying something in Mandarin or Portuguese when you want to really communicate, or make an impression – or both.

Then there’s touch, smell, sound (obviously including music), visual (including film, photography, painting, sculpture, design, graphic design, illustration, landscape, buildings, interior design – and also beauty in all its forms), food, drink, entertainment, sport, violence, fear... and of course sex.

That’s just a short list. Non-verbal communication also embraces body language and facial expressions, also dressing up - which is why theatre has entertained, and been used as an important means of expression for thousands of years. Then there’s dressing up, music, dancing, and singing – which has given us ballet, opera, gigs, musicals, and Strictly!

Film is probably the ultimate communication form, in that it can embrace all of the above and far, far more. The movie industry has never been more vibrant. Television is far and away the most powerful information, entertainment and communication vehicle the world has ever seen. And now we can access it on demand – and on other screens; laptop, mobile, public.

Yet in business when we are communicating internally, briefing, debriefing, motivating, sugaring the pill, getting our view across... we still rely for the most part on words and documents - on the printed word.

I have friends who have explored the power of sound (far beyond music), smell, colour, and touch. They know how to excite, explain and energise way beyond the limitations of words and basic illustrative techniques.  

25 years at Agency Assessments has proved to me what great presentational skills can add to words. Watching great agencies in action has given me respect for the persuasive powers of mood films and vox pops. There is probably no more understated and clunky phrase in the language than ‘non-verbal communication’. If you want to win, if you want an unfair advantage, just think what you can do beyond the written word. This also applies to the decision making process, where experts agree that gut feel is just as important as relentless logic. Words can only go so far. Equally in the endless meetings we all have to attend, reaching people across the range of senses can be a very powerful differentiator.

Here’s my tip for 2014: never rely on a document or a PowerPoint full of word slides if you want to win hearts and minds, the big account, or the big opportunity. Words may not be enough. Use the legitimate tricks of our trade to appeal to all the senses of whoever you are trying to convince – including the elusive #6. And if that costs a bit more than word processing, a fancy front cover and a nice bit of binding... always remember that faint heart never won fair customer.

Read more from David.


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