Mock interactive campaign calls for much needed volunteers

Mock campaign calls for volunteers

Joss Davidge, Business Director of brand experience agency BEcause, continues his weekly search for great marketing ideas.

This week he looks at a campaign, mocked up by a group of ad students, that is designed to grab the attention of potential volunteers for the Samaritans.

This week I’ve found an interesting interactive offering from a group of advertising students from Central Saint Martins College.

The concept is an attempt to encourage more people to volunteer for the Samaritans and involves passers-by in a piece of theatre in order to drive home an important message.  
Let’s never miss a call – Samaritans

Samaritans is a charity that supports and helps people in distress, there are thousands of volunteers who help on the phones but there is always the need for more. To communicate the idea that you don’t have to be qualified to be a Samaritans listener and take calls from people who just need to talk, the students came up with this interesting ambient campaign.  In this video a screen was installed beside a public phone in London. The screen showed a young woman in distress and when she picked up her phone to make a call the public phone rang. If the phone was left by passers-by, she would tragically turn to finding an alternative way to cope. If the phone was picked up, the person who answered would be invited to hear her message and then given the option to volunteer.  
Although this is a great concept, and sure to shock a few people into action, there is not much information given before the fairly weighty ask is made. I think this approach could do more to nurture people’s interest. Maybe this stunt could be supported by a nearby Samaritans stand, where people could get information, talk to volunteer brand ambassadors and sign up to receive updates about the charity?

Read more from Joss Davidge in our Clubhouse.

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