Mobile eclipsing TV as the first screen for consumers

Mobile eclipsing TV as first screen

Mobile devices are now firmly established as competitors to conventional media channels in the UK, according to research commissioned by Weve. Based on a nationwide survey of 2,000 adults between the ages of 18-55+, the study conclusively demonstrates the rapid ascent of mobile devices to 'first screen' status, especially in the much sought after 18-34 demographic.

Highlights from the research include:

  • 46% of 18-34 year olds cite mobile as their first and most important screen
  • Whilst 40% of total respondents consider their PC the most important screen, with a strong bias to work activity, overall 28% of respondents say that mobile devices are now their first screens, ahead of TV at 27%.
  • Over a quarter of consumers turn to their mobile first to interact with online content, rising to 45% amongst 18-34 year olds
  • Nearly one in ten consumers turn to their mobile first to make online purchases
  • 39% [over 1 in 3] cite their mobile device as the screen they look at most often

David Sear, CEO of Weve said, 'The rise in importance of mobile is well-documented, but this research shows the true extent of consumers' changing relationship with the devices in their pockets. Today, over 32% of our 20-million, opted-in customer base are actively using their mobile as their first screen and most importantly going online and purchasing through their device. We're delivering broadcast-scale audiences, consumers who actively want to engage with companies and brands through their devices. In combination with our deep and broad insight into our customers, it gives Weve a unique opportunity to bring consumers and brands together in new ways'.

A recent poll of Weve's customer base shows how this insight-led approach to mobile relationship-building is already paying dividends.

Some highlights:

  • 68% of all consumers said that they receive just the right amount or would like to receive more messages, with the female demographic slightly more responsive to messaging than male. * The top five areas that consumers are most interested in receiving messaging about are entertainment, food and drink, technology, travel and finally health and beauty. With fashion, cars and finance following closely behind.
  • Consumers are most interested in money-off vouchers, special offers and brand/event campaigns, with 78% of women interested in receiving money-off vouchers and 60% happy to get special offers via text.
  • 61% of consumers feel texts based on their location are more relevant. * 55% of people have taken action as result of receiving a promotional message via text.
  • The top five consumer behaviours as a result of receiving a message are downloading an app, researching online, sharing information with family and friends, visiting a store and redeeming a voucher.
  • 15% of consumers have purchased a product or service as a result of receiving a promotional message.
  • 62% agreed that mobile messages are a good way to find out about brands and offers.
  • 58% agreed that they are an easy way to redeem coupons and offers as mobiles are always on hand.

David Sear concluded, 'Our research is focused on understanding consumers’ relationship with their smartphone and their changing relationship with the electronic screens in their lives, so we can constantly evolve and improve what we can offer the consumer and brands. The status quo of the traditional media mix of TV, radio, online and print has remained unchanged for over a decade - mobile has been catching up fast, but it's never quite sat at the same table as the better-established media channels. This research shows how fast mobile is now changing consumer behaviour, particularly among younger people. We want to make sure that brands aren't missing out on an increasingly important part of the media mix, especially in the run-up to Christmas.'

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