MINI tricks drivers into a test drive

MINI tricks drivers into a test
Tricking people into sampling your product is an interesting approach, but it certainly seemed to work for MINI. 

With the knowledge that drivers who test drive MINIs are more likely to buy one, the brand set out to get people test driving the car – without them evening knowing. So in its latest campaign in Singapore called ‘We tow you drive’, the brand partnered with a towing service company to grant loaned MINIs to stranded motorists.  

Together with the towing service, the brand responded in real-time to breakdown calls. Whilst their broken down car was towed away, they were given a MINI for the rest of their journey. By providing a service at a time of need, the brand quickly earned itself some advocates and the drivers even gave glowing testimonials on film.
Take a look at the video here.

There’s no denying that the campaign does act as a tongue-in-cheek dig at its competitors. But MINI set out to help people at a time of need, emphasise its superior reliability and get people to test drive its cars in an innovative way - and by somewhat lambasting other brands it certainly achieved just that. One of the stranded motorists even claimed that “MINI came to save the day”; an acknowledgement that MINI triumphed where his current product failed.

Coca-Cola was also on hand at a time of need for people in a Dubai airpot recently – read about how the brand ensured expats needn’t sacrifice gifts for their loved ones.

Like this automotive stunt? Take a look at how Ford tricked people into speed dating with a stunt driver

Joss Davidge is Director of the Unexpected at BEcause, the award-winning live brand experience agency, dedicated to enhancing Brand Love. 

Read more from him in our Clubhouse.



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