MINI, IBM and Gillette stand out with simple stunts

MINI, IBM and Gillette stand out with simple stunts

Joss Davidge, Business Director of brand experience agency BEcause, continues his weekly search for great marketing ideas.

This week he looks three ambient marketing stunts that have got people talking.

More and more brands are playing with ambient marketing as a way to get people’s attention without depending on expensive and crowded traditional advertising space.

In a world where people whip out their smartphones and immediately share their experiences far and wide over social networks, ambient can be an incredibly powerful marketing tool.

Here are three surprising yet brilliantly simple recent examples I’ve spotted that got people talking on- and off-line.
MINI – Don’t Make Up and Drive

Last year we looked at a highly successful video campaign from Volkswagen that targeted women in a bid to demonstrate that doing your make up while behind the wheel of a car is dangerous. 

Here is another nice example of clever targeting from Mini Mexico, which took women by surprise as they did their make up in the toilets of a bar.

Gillette City Trim

Gillette got people talking in Honduras with this simple campaign that saw an oversized Gillette razor trim, shave and neaten up public parks in Tegucigalpa. 

Gillette claims that in 2 days over 3,000 people got to see the razor in action and that conversations about the mowing spectacle were not limited to the confines of the park, as people recounted the experience to others.  It’s a nice, simple campaign that was bound to drive positive WOM.
IBM Smarter Cities Billboards


IBM recently took a traditional advertising format and added a twist with these fun billboards that double up as useful pieces of street furniture. 

The billboards are in keeping with IBM’s “Smarter Cities” drive, a bid to update the relationship between infrastructure, operations and people for more efficient, modern city living.


Read more from Joss Davidge in our Clubhouse.


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