Letter from Miami: colourful start-up and business scene

The Miami start-up scene
Through the window of our newest office, halfway between Downtown Miami and Wynwood, I can spot a beautiful street art mural by an artist called Christopher Maslow. It shows Hamlet’s most iconic scene (you know, the one with the skull…) wrapped in Colombian roses, as I would describe it. It’s next to another great mural by artist FL.Mingo, which features colorful flamingos that remind me of Miami Vice opening credits.

It’s a hot, sunny day of October.

We share the building with a non-profit arts organization, a real estate development company and a tech start-up that just launched an app to connect people who need a buddy to practice sports. As for us, we are a global brand strategy and marketing consultancy.

I can’t help but think: this is so Miami! I’ve been here for 6 months only but it feels like the city has already changed a lot since I came last November to find an address for our new office. The business environment, as well as the culture and arts scene are growing at a very fast pace.

Miami has declared its mission to become the next tech hub and a home for entrepreneurs from all over the continent. There are dozens of initiatives gaining momentum and a feeling that the plan is really taking off right now.

As a Latin American global citizen (I’m a Brazilian myself), I am extremely happy to see this evolution happening in a city that has always been the link between North, Central and South America. And I’m even happier to be here for that.

Latin America is bustling with talent and creativity. Unfortunately, the entrepreneurial spirit faces serious barriers in the region in terms of business environment, incentives and resources, which limits innovation and the appearance of new businesses coming from its countries.

Some of the biggest Latin American markets are facing economic and political difficulties right now, so one might say this is not the right time to be looking at the region. But, it’s during difficult moments that big opportunities appear to those who are paying enough attention and have the serenity to face the bumps on the road.

The good thing about crisis is that they always pass, and usually the tipping point is not when everyone is expecting. That means, either you were there when it happened, or it’s too late to reap the benefits.

Miami will become the home for this mass of Latin American talent, I’m sure. The geographical location, the culture, even the weather makes it the ideal place for someone willing to start or run a business rooted on or focusing in Latin America.

As I review this text, it started raining and I cannot even see the graffiti across the street anymore. But this is also so Miami; before you know it will be sunny again and another art installation will be visible, just around the corner.

If you don’t want to miss the next rainbow, keep an eye on the Miami’s start-up and business scene!

Gabriel Aleixo, managing director, BrainJuicer Latin America [email protected]

Read more from Brainjuicer here.

(Feature image by Christopher Maslow.)


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