Letter from Atlanta: Celebrating bravery in market research

Letter from... Atlanta

Bravery and market research may not be two natural bedfellows, yet in Atlanta at the Insight Innovation Exchange conference on June 16th, seven people from around the world were recognized for bravery in this industry.

The Ginny Valentine Badge of Courage Awards were set up in memory of the courageous and tenacious Ginny Valentine, who fought hard to bring semiotics to the industry.  Whilst innovation and ROI are well recognized, bravery has been hidden.  As one large agency expressed when we started the awards four years ago, bravery might suggest risk-taking to clients and was not encouraged.

Since then we have heard some amazing stories which demonstrate the value of bravery.

This year Dr Munqith Dagher (IIACSS) was awarded for getting research out of conflict zones.  We understand the dangers that journalists face in telling human stories in war-torn countries, but who thinks of the market researchers who risk and, as we heard from Munqith, give their lives, to collect data that represent the views of people in these conflict zones? 

Bravery comes in many forms.  Darren Hanley from Hope and Anchor was awarded for ignoring client resistance and rejection to achieve break-through results, whilst Kristin Hickey of kubi kalloo’s award for continually pushing the boat out included a conference presentation dressed as Yoda to make her point.

Business bravery was the theme for Simon Lidington and Matt Lynch (The Big Sofa) who put themselves and those around them on the line financially and emotionally for an idea they believe will bring lasting benefit to the industry.  They were awarded for putting all the chips on the table.

Bravery brings new thinking and Richard Gilmore (Open Health) received recognition for being radical in a conservative sector for his work in the pharmaceutical sector, one where incidentally Ginny introduced semiotics through Richard’s client.  Our youngest award winner, Michelle Juni, from Sao Paulo, also recommended semiotics to her client.  Her quick thinking won Michelle an award for displaying courage under pressure and saved her client’s new product from being removed from shelves for resembling a competitor’s packaging.

The awards event here in Atlanta was a great reminder of the importance of bravery.  Bravery inspires and helps us to achieve more than we may dare to hope.  It brings out the best in all of us.

Time to start encouraging people to scour the industry for worthy nominations for 2016…

Fiona Blades, President and Chief Experience Officer, MESH Experience, founded the Ginny Valentine Badge of Courage Awards with John Griffiths aka Barefoot Insighter.  IIeX is the media partner and KL Communications provide the crowd-sourcing platform.

Judges this year included Ashley Chauvin (Citi), Roberto Cymrot (Coca Cola), Kristin Luck (Sales and Marketing Strategy, Growth Hacking), Vanella Jackson (Global CEO Hall & Partners) and Christine Walker (Alliance Strategic Research, Australia). 

This letter is part of our new series, written by our members around the world. Read more in our Clubhouse.


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