Interview with Scott Gallacher, The Aston Group

Scott Gallacher, The Aston Group
Scott Gallacher, The Aston Group

What’s your golden rule?

Make decisions between 40 to 70% certainty. If you’re less than 40% you probably don’t have enough information, if it’s more than 70% the moment’s probably past.

Having said that I left a well paid job to start up my own business in August 2008, in time for the global economy to collapse in September 2008 so the 70% might need to be revised!

Who has been your biggest influence?

My parents, not a year goes by without me being more grateful for them, I’m lucky to have a lot of clever friends, but the best advice at every big decision I’ve made has come from my parents. Admittedly my Mum would say she’s had very limited influence on my (lack of) domestic skills.

What is your most hated business expression?

I can only pick one? The expressions don’t really bother me, it’s more behaviours. My Dad says “Some people have 10 years experience, other people have 1 years experience 10 times”, and it’s sadly very true, born out of the unwillingness to adapt, try things you don’t know, to learn. Today there isn’t a lot of safety in staying still, the businesses that do are not only frustrating but declining. I hate businesses with that mentality.

What’s the smartest business idea you’ve ever had?

To work myself, I’m sure some of my former bosses would agree. Actually despite it looking initially bad, it was perfect, I got online investments and 3 years on we’re looking at one of the most buoyant technology startup periods we’ve seen, and I think mobile will create changes in business and society that outstrip the dot com boom. I don’t think there are smart ideas, merely good ideas, matched by long term commitment and execution.

Which leader do you admire most and why?

Sir Alex Ferguson, unquenchable passion for what he does, indomitable strength of will to succeed at the top for so long, and commitment to a long term view by developing talent

What’s your favourite word?


Tell us a secret.

My flat is in an Oasis album cover

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