Interview with Richard Scott

Interview with Richard Scott

Ahead of his appearance at Inspiring Creativity next month, we caught up with Axis Animation MD, Richard Scott:

The best advice I ever got
Don't try and change who you are, but you can tweak who you are

The worst advice I ever got
Don't diversify, stick in that once niche your known for

Don't underestimate
The difference between perception and reality

Don't over estimate

My golden rule
Never compromise (until you have to compromise)

My biggest influence
My Dad for hard work and honesty, our Chairman for a worldwide perspective, my wife for enthusiasm

The smartest business idea I’ve ever had
Creating Flaunt, our sister studio, which now accounts for over 33% of our overall revenue

The experience that taught me the most
Watching my daughter bounce back from open heart surgery. Resilience in its most pure form.

The leader I most admire and why?
It's an obvious one but I do admire Obama for his charisma.

What I am reading and book(s) I would highly recommend
I'd recommend 'Start with Why' by Simon Sinek, great book about getting to the heart of why you are doing what you do, not just in business but also from a personal perspective. I am also reading 'The Quiet Game' by Greg Iles and 'Filth' by Grant Morrison



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