Interview with Paul Wilson, SunGard

Paul Wilson, SunGard
Paul Wilson Sungard

What’s your golden rule?

‘If it’s controversial, do it on the phone.’

And, whilst living in Switzerland for the last five years – ‘never eat yellow snow.’

Who has been your biggest influence?

My parents; they taught me about the ubiquitous vulnerability of people, the need for compassion, generosity and kindness.

What is your most hated business expression?

‘We should leverage…’, it can usually be replaced by the shorter, more humble, non-jargon word – ‘use’.

What’s the smartest business idea you’ve ever had?

Monetising changes in the workflow of the equity trading industry resulting from the EU’s Markets in Financial Instruments Directive.

Which leaders do you admire most and why?

Noah, because he managed to keep a limited company afloat whilst the rest of the world went into liquidation.

James Lovelock, for pioneering the Gaia hypothesis in the face of ridicule from the scientific establishment.

Joseph Stiglitz, for countering hegemonic free market fundamentalists.

Muhammad Yunus, Founder of Grameen Bank, for transforming more lives than almost anyone.

What’s your favourite word?


Tell us a secret

Your secret is safe with me – I’m really good at forgetting many things.

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