Interview with Paul Eaves, HMRC

Interview with Paul Eaves

What’s your golden rule?

My golden rule is that I should have no rules - since every decision should be based on context.

Who has been your biggest influence?

Apart from my family, I would say Chris White, the boss of a small management consultancy I worked in during my early years,  who taught me about owning something worthwhile at work rather than simply doing a task for money.

What is your most hated business expression?

I don't really have a most hated business expression, I do though have a most loved business expression which is “I don't know anything about that subject so I have nothing to add”. Sadly, I don't hear it very often.

What’s the smartest business idea you’ve ever had?

Not to pursue wealth or power but to pursue happiness at work.

Which leader do you admire most and why?

Mahatma Gandhi. He made a positive contribution to many millions of lives and literally changed the world. No violence. No share options. No bonuses.  A modest man by all accounts who just believed in a vision and spoke his trut the h.

What’s your favourite word?


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