Jeremy Basset, Unilever

Interview with Jeremy Basset, Unilever

Jeremy Basset, Unilever

What’s your golden rule?
If you’re not uncomfortable then you’re probably not trying hard enough.

Who has been your biggest influence?
My uncle. He turned a dairy farm into Australia’s most awarded ice-cream business, then closed it down to focus on his family.

What is your most hated business expression?
“Can I be honest with you?” …what does that say about everything you just said!?

What’s the smartest business idea you’ve ever had?
If I told you I would have to kill you :)

Which leader do you admire most and why?
Jeff Bezos – spotted the internet as an opportunity, made a mid-career switch to pursue it & then created the world’s largest online retailer.

What’s your favourite word?
“Yes” – except in India where ‘yes’ often means ‘no’

What’s your favourite quote?
“Good artists copy; great artists steal” – Picasso

Tell us a secret
Vegemite is actually better than Marmite:)

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