Interview with Chris Satterthwaite, Chime Communications

Chris Satterthwaite, Chime Communications
Chris Satterthwaite Chime Communications

What's the most valuable lesson you've picked up in your career? 

Look out, not in.
What's the best decision you've ever made, and the worst? 
Marrying an artist; Letting her drive and write off the only sports car I’ve ever owned.
What brand do you most admire and why? 
02. What a brand transformation from BT Cellnet and one that has been sustained.
What achievement are you most proud of in your career? 
Being made chief executive of Chime.
Who is your marketing hero and why? 
Josiah Wedgwood. He was a true innovator who exploited the communication channels of his day brilliantly, from canals for distribution to getting the celebrity endorsement of Catherine the Great.
What advice would you offer to brand guardians on surviving and thriving in the recession? 
Guard and develop.
What’s the biggest challenge facing the marketing industry?
Confidence in the need for art and science.
What has been your most memorable moment as The Marketing Society’s chairman? 
The James Murdoch lecture 2008.
What advice would you offer to your successor?
Listen to the members, fellows and Hugh. Have a strong board.
Tell us a secret.
I still listen to the Grateful Dead.
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