I Won.

I Won.
It’s been about five months since I won my first marketing award. And I’m still quite shocked.
The Marketing Society is a great organisation that is run by the impressive and honest Gemma Greaves. It’s an interesting concept on how you can connect marketers across borders. I’m honoured to be part of it as their Young Marketing Leader of the Year.
The opportunity presented itself to me when the Marketing Academy mentioned it to the cohort. And I am so glad they did.
After confirming that my boss would nominate me, I spent hours writing 2,000 words about why I should win. Now, for those of you that know me, know that I struggle talking about myself, let alone my achievements. I enjoy success and I’m very proud of what I have achieved, but by putting it down on a piece of paper in a “pick me!” tone was hard. My mentor slapped me in the head a few times, increasingly getting frustrated with my lack of bragging about myself. The final submission is something that I am utterly proud off as I sum up who I am (Charmingly Direct) and what I have achieved.
Once submitted, the waiting started. After a few weeks I was told that I had been shortlisted to present to a jury. I was ecstatic. Not only do I love presenting, but I love talking about my passions youth and sports. I brought props. I brought a smile. And most importantly I brought a lot of energy to the room. I really wanted to win.
And I did. On 15th June 22:30pm, my name was announced and I was shocked. The other nominees were so impressive so I didn’t think I stood a chance, but I did and I won. Looking back I think it was because I was completely me. Yes I had delivered great results, but I presented it in a way that represented who I am.
This post may be viewed as rambling. But it’s important rambling as it highlights that you should be yourself at all times. Even in front of an intimidating jury of five highly senior people in the marketing industry. Even when you do your first speech in front of 600 heavyweights in the industry, including an almost crying Sherilyn Shackell (Founder of Marketing Academy), you should be you. And trust me I was me, and THAT is why I’m so proud to have won.

This first appeared on Charmingly Direct by Anne-Lise Johnsen.

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