How KitKat breathes life into its 'Have a Break' strapline

KitKat 'Have a Break' strapline

This week he looks at how KitKat is bringing its 'Have a Break, have a KitKat' strapline to life using experiential.
KitKat first introduced its 'Have a break, have a KitKat' strapline way back in 1958. Since then the brand has thrived off its connection with taking a break in a hectic world and has often used humour to get this message across. Until relatively recently, TV, print and billboard ads delivered the message to the public, identifying key ‘little annoyances’ and suggesting that people should remedy them with a break and naturally…a KitKat.
But with the growth of experiential marketing, the brand has been quick to take to live brand experiences. The two are great bedfellows, crafting an experience that allows consumers to actually take a break is a great way to cement the message in people’s minds. So this week I thought I’d feature three eye-catching experiential campaigns from KitKat that continue to push the clear ‘take a break’ message but wrap them up nicely in memorable brand experiences.
KitKat - Break Delivery

We’d definitely go for this at BEcause HQ. Kit Kat wanted to connect with office workers, so it launched a campaign that encouraged people to register on Facebook and explain why they were in dire need of a break in a bid to win a hefty amount of KitKat’s to then share around the office. The brand selected the best ones, and surprised participants by sending a brimming box of KitKat’s right to their desk!
KitKat – Have a Seat

You may have heard about Android KitKat; an unexpected partnership between Google and Nestle that has given commentators lots to commentate on. To ‘celebrate’ the upcoming launch of Android KitKat, the brand created this very simple but eye catching experience. It placed seats outside with a sign claiming that the person sitting in that seat at a specific time would win a new Nexus 7. The stunt is very simple and I’m sure there is heaps more to be done with the partnership, but it’s a direct and memorable way to get people talking and to reinforce the ‘take a break’ message.
KitKat – Free No Wi-Fi Zone

We have featured several campaigns recently on the BEcause blog that encourage people to take a moment to disconnect from our connected world. KitKat was quick to latch onto this counter-movement and apply its brand message to the idea that sometimes we just need to have a break from emails and browsing. Earlier in the year KitKat created 'Free No Wi-Fi Zones'. The set up was simple, a signal blocker was placed on benches and a large sign was erected declaring the seat a Wi-Fi free zone. People who sat there could enjoy a bit of peace and quiet and, of course, a KitKat.

Read more from Joss Davidge, business director of brand experience agency BEcause in our Clubhouse.


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